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GARMIN Nüvi 300 Firmware Upgrades

Firmware: V5.20 - V5.10 - V5.00 - V4.90 - V4.60 - V4.50 - V4.40 - V4.30 - V4.20 - V4.10 - V3.90 - V3.80 - V3.30 - V3.20 - V3.10 - V2.90 - V2.80 - V2.70 - V2.60 - V2.40 - V2.30

The following lists of changes are based on information provided by GARMIN. Changes or improvements which we consider important or especially useful are shown highlighted.

To view the current firmware version, complete the following steps:

  1. Turn on the GPS.
  2. Switch to the settings page by touching the tool symbol on the right side of the main menu.
  3. Touch "System".
  4. Touch "About"
  5. The system will display the firmware version at the very top ("Software Version"), the unit ID on the second line, followed by various copyright information.
  6. Touch "Back" to return to the previous page.

Each upgrade replaces the complete firmware in the GPS, which means you need to install only the version you wish to apply. There is no need to install any previous versions.

Changes made from version 5.10 to 5.20: (released 12/17/2007)

  1. Resolved Attention Tone issue.

Firmware Upgrade V5.20 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 3.8 MB)

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Changes made from version 5.00 to 5.10:

  1. Updated the location of the Garmin waypoints.
  2. Added advance reservation notification at lodging establishments to receive discounts with Savers Guide.
  3. Added support for African timezones.
  4. Added traffic support for Australia.
  5. Resolved issue with map update reminder.
  6. Fixed issue where some audible books would cause the unit to reset.
  7. Updated currency converter exchange rates.
  8. Corrected backlight setting north of Arctic Circle.
  9. Added support for the following new voices: Afrikaans, Catalans, and Luxembourgish.
  10. Fixed coordinate position issue.
  11. Fixed max volume issue.
  12. Corrected issue with mass storage mode on Mac Computers.
  13. Corrected issue where WebUpdater may not find device.

Firmware Upgrade V5.10 (not available for download)

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Changes made from version 4.90 to 5.00: (released 10/01/2007)

  1. Corrected issue where WebUpdater may not find device.

Firmware Upgrade V5.00 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 3.8 MB)

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Changes made from version 4.60 to 4.90:

  1. Changed volume maximum.

Firmware Upgrade V4.90 (not available for download)

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Changes made from version 4.50 to 4.60: (released 05/08/2007)

  1. Fixed problem where a speed of zero could be reported when entering tunnels.
  2. Corrected issue with some locale labels.
  3. Corrected issues causing the unit to reset or shutdown when doing some city searches.
  4. Corrected issue that prevents proper startup when custom POI files contain a large number of bitmaps.

Firmware Upgrade V4.60 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 3.8 MB)

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Changes made from version 4.40 to 4.50:

  1. Updated Lithuanian text language.

Firmware Upgrade V4.50 (not available for download)

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Changes made from version 4.30 to 4.40:

  1. Daylight saving changes for United States.
  2. Fixed possible route calculation error in routes involving Cul De Sacs.
  3. Added support for Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Romanian, and Serbian pre-recorded voices.
  4. Fixed trip computer distance display to allow more than 3 digits.
  5. Changed initial locale setup to be consistent with other portable products.
  6. Fixed Mexican locale information.
  7. Fixed problem with naming when saving a coordinate without a name.
  8. Fixed Fodor's data 'All Categories' search.
  9. Fixed text which could alternate between two safety camera texts when within both safety camera zones.
  10. Improved operation when only one or no custom vehicles are loaded.
  11. Changed to avoid unpaved roads by default.
  12. Fixed problem ejecting on Mac computers.
  13. Updated some Swedish and French translations.
  14. Fixed display of traffic event distances which were sometimes missing.

Firmware Upgrade V4.40 (not available for download)

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Changes made from version 4.20 to 4.30: (released 11/16/2006)

  1. Added fix for European City Navigator NT v9 address search.
  2. Fixed problem where a speed of zero could be reported when entering tunnels.

Firmware Upgrade V4.30 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.0 MB)

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Changes made from version 4.10 to 4.20: (released 10/31/2006)

  1. Improved Safety camera alert tone.
  2. Added fixes for MPC maps (MapSource Custom maps).
  3. Added support for Estonian, Russian, Slovak and Turkish pre-recorded voices.
  4. Fixed some Dutch, French, German and Swedish text translation issues.
  5. Fixed up/down arrows on JPEG review page.
  6. Fixed next turn announcement while still acquiring satellites.
  7. Increased speed of software update procedure.
  8. Updated localization info with Brazil, German/Czech and Mexico map.
  9. Fixed to be able to find land and marine MDB points.
  10. Improved address search: remembering country name across languages.
  11. Fixed to always display map copyright information on power-on.
  12. Changed to write map and speed camera information to XML product information file.
  13. Fixed problems with driving on left and double U-turns.
  14. Improved Map Vehicle load time.
  15. Fixed display of Ferry lines.

Firmware Upgrade V4.20 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.0 MB)

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Changes made from version 3.90 to 4.10: (released 09/27/2006)

  1. Improved handling of recovery from loss of a fix when leaving a tunnel.
  2. Fixed problem that could result in failed firmware updates of GPS and Traffic.
  3. Made changes to better handle disconnects from the PC while in USB mass storage.
  4. Fix temporary display corruption when performing software updates.
  5. Change to correctly display coordinates on review pages.
  6. Changed the reminder rate for speed alerts to 5 seconds from 1 second.
  7. Improved install process for travel guide.
  8. Corrected problems handling zoom levels at intersections.
  9. Improved translations.
  10. Preserve daytime backlight settings when connecting to external power.
  11. Added support for importing M3U playlists. Place M3U playlist in the same directory as your music. From the MP3 player, touch Browse -> Import Playlist. Touch the playlist you want to import, and the songs are loaded in that order.

Firmware Upgrade V4.10 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.0 MB)

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Changes made from version 3.80 to 3.90: (released 08/30/2006)

  1. Improved the calculation of long routes and avoiding highways.
  2. Improved coordinate entry method.
  3. Improved vehicle load times on vehicle page.
  4. Fixed potential routing problems in areas with overlapping maps.
  5. Removed off-road bearing line.
  6. Updated text language translations Added verification step to Garmin Lock Pin entry Fixed traffic list and detour button interaction Adjusted the Bluetooth Audio parameters Removed the audio tone for proximity points while a call is active

Firmware Upgrade V3.90 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.0 MB)

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Changes made from version 3.30 to 3.80: (released 08/04/2006)

  1. Added support for GPS-Buddy, a technology that provides logistical tracking and management solutions for businesses with fleet vehicles.
  2. Added support for MPC maps (MapSource Custom maps).
  3. Added capability for Slovenian, Greek, and Croatian Pre-recorded voices.
  4. Improved multiple map searching.
  5. Added support for Safety Cameras.
  6. Added fix for long routes.
  7. Improved MP3 player: increase maximum number of MP3s to 1000.
  8. Changed to make update procedure consistent with other GARMIN products.
  9. Fixed Travel Guide warning text.
  10. Updated some text translations.
  11. Added fix for ferry avoidance.
  12. Added fix for coordinate entry.
  13. Added fix for powering on from charge mode with GTMxx connected.
  14. Added fix for Travel Kit button display on power off.

Firmware Upgrade V3.80 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.6 MB)

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Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.30: (released 05/19/2006)

  1. Added Garmin Lock security feature.
  2. Added vehicle selection.
  3. Added locale settings.
  4. Added support for diacritic characters via new keyboard modes.
  5. Added support for Czech, Hungarian, and Polish pre-recorded voices.
  6. Added My Current Location page.
  7. Added TourGuide support.
  8. Added variable autozoom.
  9. Added coordinate find entry.
  10. Added traffic map.
  11. Added media player shortcut on map when audio is playing.
  12. MP3 player improvements.
  13. Fixed extended postal code searches.
  14. Fixed case where prerecorded audio word was repeated.
  15. Fixed case where touch tones stop working.
  16. Fixed problems with JPEG viewer and splash screens.
  17. Fixed to not alert users of traffic ahead when the traffic severity is low.
  18. Fixed screen corruption on some dictionary and language guide warnings.
  19. Fixed for detour to not leave via point out of route.
  20. Increased width to allow cardinal direction NW to show up in find menus.
  21. Fixed to not change backlight on connection to external power in night mode.
  22. Fixed to update day/night mode as soon as we get a GPS fix.
  23. Fixed Danish pedestrian mode text.
  24. Fixed voice guidance for prohibited roundabout exits (one way into roundabouts).
  25. Fixed on/off ramp guidance with CN Europe NTv8.
  26. Fixed some cul de sac drawing.
  27. Updated SiRF and Audible copyright dates.
  28. Changed to show product number (300 or 350) on About page.
  29. Fixed New Zealand daylight savings time end date.
  30. Fixed MP3 browse page to remember artist, album, or genre index.

Firmware Upgrade V3.30 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 6.5 MB)

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Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.20: (released 03/16/2006)

  1. Fixed communication problem with GPS hardware and displaying 0.0 for GPS SW version.
  2. Fixed to not automatically change to new voice when a new TTS voice (text-to-speech) is added.
  3. Fixed some issues with Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian TTS voices.
  4. Fixed to not play the attention tone for events on the final leg of a route when no audio is spoken.
  5. Fixed potential lock up when reaching destination.

Firmware Upgrade V3.20 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 6.2 MB)

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Changes made from version 2.90 to 3.10: (released 03/07/2006)

  1. Fix to not reset all settings to default when traffic setup button pushed with no GTM10 connected.
  2. PictureIt now captures screenshots of message banners and popups.
  3. Added Slovakian, Slovenian, and Estonian text languages.
  4. Added ability to change splash screen to any JPEG stored on the unit.
  5. Fixes for Finnish, French, French Canadian, and Spanish pre-recorded voices.
  6. Update route calculation error messages.
  7. Fix for UTF-8 encoding and XML files.
  8. Fix 'Near' button functionality in Travel Guide.
  9. Fix for active route page distance display.
  10. Improved traffic data reliability.
  11. Fix potential shutdown when panning the map.
  12. Power-On page improvements.
  13. Play error tones when disabled buttons are pressed on the map page or on the button row.
  14. Display the current location on the GPS page.
  15. Fix to max autozoom range.
  16. Added capability for Flemish pre-recorded voice.

Firmware Upgrade V3.10 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.7 MB)

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Changes made from version 2.80 to 2.90: (released 02/08/2006)

  1. Updates for language translations.
  2. Audible book player improvements.
  3. City Searcher now crosses map boundaries.
  4. Moved traffic setup to settings page.
  5. Removed zoom legend from map page.
  6. Removed restriction of only being able to install Oxford data once from an SD card.
  7. Fix to separate custom POI from SaversGuide.
  8. Fix to ignore Macintosh resource files in JPG viewer & MP3 player.
  9. Fix for route line display on map.
  10. Fix for screen corruption after using Calculator.
  11. Fix to handle JPG pictures with large memory requirements.

Firmware Upgrade V2.90 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.8 MB)

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Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:

  1. Fix scrolling when there are multiple GPI files in a list.
  2. Fix Text To Speech so that it does not discard certain phonetic data.
  3. Fix default max autozoom range.
  4. Fix to be able to play format 4 Audible books again after playing them through to completion.
  5. Fixed map jumping when in North Up mode and driving North or South.
  6. Update translations for some languages.

Firmware Upgrade V2.80 (not available for download)

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Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70: (released 01/13/2006)

  1. Added option to turn autozoom on/off in the map settings.
  2. Fixed possible problem with GPX waypoint name overflow.
  3. Corrected rendering of some diacritic characters.
  4. Fixed Swedish cardinal direction translation.
  5. Improvements to Map Info page.

Firmware Upgrade V2.70 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.8 MB)

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Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.60:

  1. Fixed address search bug that caused lock up.
  2. Corrected problem where elevation units of measure were not changing according to locale.
  3. Fixed bug that would cause shutdown with long waypoints in .gpx file.
  4. Fixed problem with audible player's play/pause button when reaching end of book.
  5. Improved GPS SW updating process.
  6. Fixed problem with Travel Guide review pages where last line was not getting displayed correctly.
  7. Fixed map drawing problem on pan.
  8. Fixed lock-up when pressing the traffic setup button in night mode.
  9. Added maintenance mode.
  10. Fixed display of three digit numbers on trip computer page.
  11. Added another page in search procedure for searching multiple maps.
  12. Improvements for potential problems with Language Guide installation.
  13. Fixed address search problem in Canada.
  14. Added support for Ferry Routing.
  15. Improvements to backlight in charge mode.
  16. Added SaversGuide(R) support.

Firmware Upgrade V2.60 (not available for download)

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Changes made from version 2.30 to 2.40: (released 12/02/2005)

  1. Fixed USB detachment issue.

Firmware Upgrade V2.40 (Self-extracting ZIP-file, requires a PC and a connection cable, 4.8 MB)

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Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.30:

  1. Added support for displaying topographic maps.
  2. Picture Viewer recenters when pressing 'Back'.
  3. Enabled the disabling of maps.
  4. Added limit of 500 MP3s.
  5. Fix failure of importing waypoints with long names.
  6. Fix power-on bugs with MP3s.
  7. User interface changes for Travel Guide.
  8. Fixes for some German translation problems.
  9. Fixed voice guidance still speaking when turned off.
  10. Fixed problem with GPS mode getting off when antenna is opened/closed quickly.
  11. Improvements to Traffic software (for use with GTM10).
  12. Added decimal to currency converter update page.
  13. Corrected shutdown due to address finds.
  14. Added option to turn on international symbols for Traffic (for use with GTM10).

Firmware Upgrade V2.30 (not available for download)

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GARMIN Nuvi 300/310/350/360T/370 The models of the GARMIN Nüvi 300 series (300/310/350/360T/370) provide automatic route calculation, visual and voice guidance, are easy to use, have a large, easy to read color display with touch screen, an extremely sensitive antenna, an integrated world map plus a base map of Europe, Africa and the near East. The Nüvis come with pre-loaded detailed maps of part (Nüvi 300/310) or all (Nüvi 350/360T/370) of Europe and have a slot for an optional standard SecureDigital (SD) memory module to store even more information. The models Nüvi 310, 360T and 370 are also equipped with a BlueTooth interface to communicate with mobile phones which have the required communication capabilities in order to call hotels, restaurants, car rental offices etc. whos phone numbers are stored on the GPS with a single touch on the screen. They can also act as a hands-free extension set to mobile phones. Finally, the Nüvis feature a travel kit with MP3 player, image viewer, currency and meassurement conversion and much more, see detailed description.

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