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Additional BASIC-Commands, more memory and mobile data acquisition with TRAMsoft extensions for SHARP Pocket Computers.

Our extensions are no longer available. We publish the following information for reference only - and a bit out of sentimentality.

Product overview for SHARP PC-1500/A:

Product overview for SHARP PC-1600:

Toolkit for SHARP PC-1500/A:

TRAMsoft Toolkit for SHARP PC-1500/A

The TRAMsoft Toolkit extends the set of BASIC-commands of a PC-1500 or PC-1500A significantly. The Toolkit connects to the 60 pin connector and offers the following program packages in any combinations:



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Set of commands TOOL1: Editing utilities

APPEND Creates a new program module
CHANGE Replaces an expression with another expression
DELETE Deletes a given range of lines in a program
ERASE Deletes a program module
KEEP Restores a deleted program module
LINK Joins two program modules
PLAST Displays the last line of the active program module
PLIST Displays a given line of the active program module
PROGRAM Establishes the given module as the active module
RENUMBER Renumbers the active program module
SPLIT Splits the active program module into two independent modules
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Set of commands TOOL2: Fast tape operations

FCHAIN Loads a program from tape under program control and continues execution at a given line in the loaded program
FLOAD Loads a BASIC program, RESERVE expressions, a range of memory or variables from tape
FSAVE Saves a BASIC program, RESERVE expressions, a range of memory or variables to tape
VERIFY Compares data on tape with the information stored in memory
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Set of commands TOOL3: Additional BASIC-functions

CLR Sets variables and DIM-arrays to zero
DEC Computes the decimal value of a hexadecimal string expression
ERL Returns the line number where the last error occurred
ERN Returns the number of the last error
FRC Returns the fraction of a numeric expression
FRE Returns the number of free bytes in memory with respect of variables and DIM-arrays
HEX$ Returns the hexadecimal string expression of a numeric expression
INSTR Returns the position of the first character of a given string in a string expression. The search starts at the given position in the string expression
PGM Returns the number of the active program module
PSIZE Returns the size of the active module in bytes
PURGE Removes variables and DIM-arrays from memory
REDIM Resize an existing variable or DIM-array
RESUME Provides, in conjunction with ON ERROR, a means to continue program execution after an error with the next statement
STRING$ Returns a given character or string expression a given number of times
SWAP Swaps the contents of two variables
VKEEP Restores variables and DIM-arrays after CLEAR, NEW, PURGE DIM or RUN
VLIST Displays variables and DIM-arrays
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Set of commands TOOL4: Statistics and synthetic programming

AVGX Returns the average value of x
AVGY Returns the average value of y
CORR Returns the correlation of the linear regression of the given value pairs
GRA Returns the gradient of the linear regression
SDNX Returns the standard deviation for x in respect of n
SDNY Returns the standard deviation for y in respect of n
SDVX Returns the standard deviation for x in respect of n-1
SDVY Returns the standard deviation for y in respect of n-1
SEG Returns the segment of y of the linear regression
STAT Returns the values of the statistics variable
STATCLR Sets the statistics variable to zero
STATIN Adds a value pair to the statistics variable
STATOFF Deletes the statistics variable
STATON Creates the statistics variable
STATOUT Removes a value pair from the statistics variable
STX Returns the x value for given value of y
STY Returns the y value for given value of x
CLEN Returns the number of characters of a converted program line
CONV Returns the number of elements in a given program line
CONVL$ Converts a given program line to a string expression
CONVS$ Converts a single element of a program line to a string expression
ELAST Returns the number of the last line in a program module
ELINE Returns the number of a given program line
ELIST$ Returns a given program line without converting it to a string expression
ENTER Saves or deletes a given program line
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Expansion-Box (E-Box) for SHARP PC-1500/A:

TRAMsoft E-Box for SHARP PC-1500/A

Allows to connect up to four devices to a PC-1500/A or CE-150. Each device may be connected and disconnected by means of switches or under software control.



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Parallel/Floppy-Interface for SHARP PC-1500/A:

TRAMsoft Parallel-/Floppy-Interface for SHARP PC-1500/A

16-bit parallel interface which allows to connect a printer with a parallel interface ("CENTRONICS") and a COMMODORE VC-1541 (or compatible) floppy disk drive. the following program packages are available:



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A/D Converter Standard Version for SHARP PC-1500/A:

TRAMsoft A/D Converter Standard Version for SHARP PC-1500/A

8 channel 12-bit analog to digital converter providing the following features:



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Memory Module for SHARP PC-1500/A:

32 kB RAM module to increase the memory for programs and data.


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A/D Converter Standard Version for SHARP PC-1600:

A/D Converter Standard Version for SHARP PC-1600

8 channel 12-bit analog to digital converter providing the following features:



For download as PDF documents (German only)

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A/D Converter Advanced Version for SHARP PC-1600:

A/D Converter Advanced Version for SHARP PC-1600

8 channel 12-bit analog to digital converter providing the following features:



For download as PDF documents (German only)

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Memory Module for PC-1600:

32 kB RAM module to extend the memory for programs and data.

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Specifications and packaging of the products are subject to change without notice.

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